2 Ways To Pinpoint Genres You’re Inclined to Read vs Write #IWSG


Time for another of Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. We share advice, our fears and let the optional monthly questions inspire us to discuss what’s been either inspiring and/or eating away at us. Join us by clicking HERE!

1. Take Inventory –

When it comes to my reading preferences I’m all over the shelving map. My personal library is organized into sections alpha by author. The only section alpha by subject is my auto/biography section for obvious reasons. I collect biographies on Sidonie Colette. A performer, journalist, novelist and play write with a mind blowing repertoire. Colette has her own section. It sits prominently among the Cs in my biography section next to french windows on the left-side of my study.

The rest of the sections are as follows: Fiction, Mystery, History, Poetry and Plays, Philosophy and Religion, Music, True Crime, Science, Psychology, Art, Science Fiction and I’m probably leaving out a few subs. Having worked at 3 indie bookstores in the SF Bay I own A LOT of books. My library is the largest room in my house. It practically is my house. When guests ask if I’ve read them all I gently shoo them away to prevent them further offending my collection.

My editor on desk in “The Library” giving me her now perfected condescending yet concerned look.

I wish I could take a picture of what my library and writing desk look like now for this post. I swear it’s tidy and organized. But I’m up in Truckee.

Chillin. Literally.


With moms and dogs.

Click to continue reading… https://adriennereiter.blogspot.com/2021/03/2-ways-to-pinpoint-genres-youre.html