#1 Reason All Writer’s Take Risk #IWSG #AmWriting #Blogging #Marriage #Linguistics

I believe all creative output involves risk. As an independent content creator and social media specialist I wear many hats. My last writing assignment involving travel sent me to Japan. It seems like a lifetime ago, and it’s only been two years.

Adjusting to different brands for multiple clients requires me to shift voice and perspective. My personal projects, noir mystery novels, horror/sci-fi shorts, auto-bio books and essays, are where I can let my guts show.
I try to make work that is accessible to everyone. To the best of my abilities I write to the smartest person in the room. I challenge my own beliefs, philosophies et cetera. While you don’t have to be an intellectual to digest my work I believe my work also appeals to the intellectual. Hope springs eternal.
Lots of subjects gnaw at me, and I compulsively ask questions.
Take the history of our language. Even our modern colloquialisms. When we’re married we’re off the “meat-market”.  Linguistically speaking the terms bride and groom dehumanizes the sanctity of marriage, but does it really? The term bride comes from the bridal-bit used to steer the working beast here and there. The bridal bit insures it obeys. The groomsman/men are the masters who groom and command the animal.
I’ve been married before. I didn’t feel any of those things. Then again, just because we didn’t invent the rules doesn’t mean we can’t win the game. Am I dressing down marriage as a mere game? No way! A game is fun, and something you can win. According to linguistics marriage is a blood-sport.

Click link  to continue reading…https://adriennereiter.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-1-reason-all-writers-are-taking.html