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I'm a writer, a content creator and a compulsive blogger. I'm currently attending the Master of Fine Arts program for Creative Writing at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA.


Sifting through what was left on the cutting room floor promoting Winifred Meeks, we cobbled together an interesting new angle on Figgis-West’s interest in the paranormal. Join John, Jason and Adrienne as they discuss future projects and share ideas on the creative process.


Unexpected Responses To My Writing #IWSG #AmWriting

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

Every month, we announce a question on Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The question is optional. A prompt to give each other support, and ask for advice

May 5 question – Has any of your readers ever responded to your writing in a way that you didn’t expect? If so, did it surprise you? 

The awesome co-hosts for the May 5 posting of the IWSG are Erika Beebe, PJ Colando, Tonja Drecker, Sadira Stone, and Cathrina Constantine!

The most unexpected response I’ve received from readers regards my horror shorts. Subconsciously I was making my protagonist’s gender ambiguous, but in my head she was clearly female. Most of my beta readers, men and women assumed my protagonist was male.

The result from their feedback was equally unexpected. I started writing in a male voice for these shorts. It felt natural for a reason still unknown. Why did this paradigm shift take place inside my head?

What’s considered male and female? What does it mean to be feminine? Masculine? These mean different things to different people. Right?

I devised a test. I used masculine terms for women and feminine terms for men in day to day interactions, then gaged their responses.

“Marty, stop being such a diva.”

“Cheryl, you’re being a dick.”

Who’s self aware enough to have a sense of humor? Who has a deep seated misogynist bent? Who questions if I’m acting on some thinly veiled feminist agenda? The results were interesting.

Don’t think I’m such a prat to believe I’m the first to come up with this game. I’m not delusional. This isn’t new. My own responses were just as surprising. I’ve gained new insight to my beliefs and how they subconsciously affect my writing.

Have your readers responded to your writing in a way you didn’t expect? I always return comments unless I’m sucked into a parallel universe and/or busy dodging a Sasquatch, but that’s another story…

#1 Reason All Writer’s Take Risk #IWSG #AmWriting #Blogging #Marriage #Linguistics

I believe all creative output involves risk. As an independent content creator and social media specialist I wear many hats. My last writing assignment involving travel sent me to Japan. It seems like a lifetime ago, and it’s only been two years.

Adjusting to different brands for multiple clients requires me to shift voice and perspective. My personal projects, noir mystery novels, horror/sci-fi shorts, auto-bio books and essays, are where I can let my guts show.
I try to make work that is accessible to everyone. To the best of my abilities I write to the smartest person in the room. I challenge my own beliefs, philosophies et cetera. While you don’t have to be an intellectual to digest my work I believe my work also appeals to the intellectual. Hope springs eternal.
Lots of subjects gnaw at me, and I compulsively ask questions.
Take the history of our language. Even our modern colloquialisms. When we’re married we’re off the “meat-market”.  Linguistically speaking the terms bride and groom dehumanizes the sanctity of marriage, but does it really? The term bride comes from the bridal-bit used to steer the working beast here and there. The bridal bit insures it obeys. The groomsman/men are the masters who groom and command the animal.
I’ve been married before. I didn’t feel any of those things. Then again, just because we didn’t invent the rules doesn’t mean we can’t win the game. Am I dressing down marriage as a mere game? No way! A game is fun, and something you can win. According to linguistics marriage is a blood-sport.

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2 Ways To Pinpoint Genres You’re Inclined to Read vs Write #IWSG


Time for another of Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. We share advice, our fears and let the optional monthly questions inspire us to discuss what’s been either inspiring and/or eating away at us. Join us by clicking HERE!

1. Take Inventory –

When it comes to my reading preferences I’m all over the shelving map. My personal library is organized into sections alpha by author. The only section alpha by subject is my auto/biography section for obvious reasons. I collect biographies on Sidonie Colette. A performer, journalist, novelist and play write with a mind blowing repertoire. Colette has her own section. It sits prominently among the Cs in my biography section next to french windows on the left-side of my study.

The rest of the sections are as follows: Fiction, Mystery, History, Poetry and Plays, Philosophy and Religion, Music, True Crime, Science, Psychology, Art, Science Fiction and I’m probably leaving out a few subs. Having worked at 3 indie bookstores in the SF Bay I own A LOT of books. My library is the largest room in my house. It practically is my house. When guests ask if I’ve read them all I gently shoo them away to prevent them further offending my collection.

My editor on desk in “The Library” giving me her now perfected condescending yet concerned look.

I wish I could take a picture of what my library and writing desk look like now for this post. I swear it’s tidy and organized. But I’m up in Truckee.

Chillin. Literally.


With moms and dogs.

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Writing Towards Self Discovery And An Audience #IWSG #AmWriitng #Noir #Fiction

 Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.”
Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write.
 I’m much too cynical for .Camu’s purpose of a writer.



Pop Culture Wine Pairings

Mmm… a little citrus… maybe some strawberry…

[smacks lips]

Miles Raymond: … passion fruit…

[puts hand up to ear]

Miles Raymond: … and, oh, there’s just like the faintest soupçon of like asparagus and just a flutter of a, like a, nutty Edam cheese…

Jack: Wow. Strawberries, yeah! Strawberries. Not the cheese…

Miles Raymond: [looks at Jack chomping in disbelief] Are you chewing gum?

Sideways (2004)

The media influences our choices on just about everything under the sun. Still, as much as we can’t trust our own impulses at times, there are tried and true less than covert pop culture promotions one can trust over time. Why? Because, all great marketing does is help a bad product fail faster. Here are a few of our favorite pop culture wine pairings. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE