“It’s alive!” #IWSG #AmWriting @TheIWSG

When bringing your work to life which is more difficult to write? The title or blurb?

It’s the first Wednesday of the month. Time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post à la author, Alex J. Cavanaugh. Join us here – https://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/p/iwsg-sign-up.html

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

The awesome co-hosts for the November 3 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery!

Blurbs are your hook, but the title dictates a lot.

 While the working title of any given piece is ever morphing; I have a basic idea of the blurb as I’m finishing the book. I’ve let go of fantasizing about cover options. I’ve accepted it’s the publisher’s decision and I have no say in the matter. But, the title…

For me the title is the heartbeat of the piece. If I give it the wrong name during the, “Let there be light!” moment all my efforts will have been in vane. When the lightening strikes I’ll have missed my moment and failed my creation. The blurb is the ever important 25 second pitch to say, “Read. Me.” Still. I’ve found the title influences the cover choice the graphic designer will execute. This makes it hard for me to choose. I have commitment issues when it comes to titles.

Blurb or title? It’s a difficult question. Which is harder? I lean towards title. Which one do you find most difficult to write?

16 thoughts on ““It’s alive!” #IWSG #AmWriting @TheIWSG”

    1. Thanks Joylene! I usually have a large chunk of mismatched pitches when I finish the project. After I’m done cobbling them together and whittling them down I get those crucial 2nd opinions. Happy IWSG Day.

  1. For me, blurbs are generally harder. Titles have usually come to me with ease. However, for my current WIP, I am having trouble committing to the working title. It’s the third book in a series. The first two book titles came easy, but I’m not convinced of the third. I suspect it has something to do with me not publishing in over three years (for personal reasons) and I’m feeling a bit insecure. Not sure. Still trying to figure it out.

    1. I feel you. I’ve been lagging in the publishing department, too. I have a few things in the pipeline, but it takes longer than usual during the pandemic for a team to get work out there. Insecurities abound! I’m sure you’ll (we’ll – fingers crossed) get back in the groove. Happy IWSG Day!

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