Tag Archives: #WilliamFaulkner

Compulsion to commit to paper. #IWSG @TheIWSG #amwriting

It’s the 1st Wednesday of the month! Time to rock The Blog Father’s neurotic writing world.
Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. To join us click https://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/p/iwsg-sign-up.html
The awesome co-hosts for the July 7 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Victoria Marie Lees, Chemist Ken, and Louise – Fundy Blue!

July 7 question – What would make you quit writing?

Nothing. Reading and writing since I can remember, I’ve given up on projects. I’ve let collaboration opportunities with potential slide. Wrote and failed to create. Shine has come through cracks here and there. Despite all the ridicule and rejection I never quit writing.

After 8-year-old shoulder knots from carrying piles of books became unbearable I now buy a monthly, weekly and daily sectioned all-in-one planner. I need room to record dreams, detail deadlines and set goals while keeping my more mundane appointments. Working at indie bookstores made me a Moleskin addict.

Cheryl Strayed said, “Write like a motherfucker.”

Faulkner said, “Read everything.” Oh, Faulkner. You permission giving southern gothic mother-lover.

Ray Bradbury said, “You fail only if you stop writing.”

I want to obliterate my first two books out of the cybersphere. I wish I could squash published articles forever one click away, but I’ve been paid. The money spent. I look at my MFA degree and see a seriously expensive piece of paper declaring I survived bootcamp. Ugh.

Even with the growing plethora of reasons to put down the pen, projects and rejoin the corpo world, I never stop writing. I try to hide my insecurity under a mask of enthusiasm due to dumb stubborn pride. Funny how quickly pride and shame alternate.

What would make you quit writing? Happy IWSG Day. Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend!

#IWSG #AmWriting #CherylStrayed #WilliamFaulkner #RayBradbury #CIIS #MFA #novels #journalism #writing #AlexCavanaugh